
Toshiko Nishikawa: "Senbazuru," a premiere interactive exhibition of 1,000 suspended, mirrored orbs, at the Vilcek Foundation




Hitoshi Nakazato Cerebrating of His Art and Life: 1

9/25(土)、多摩美NYクラブ創設者である、中里斉さんの芸術と人生を祝福する会「Hitoshi Nakazato Cerebrating of His Art and Life」がマンハッタン、ガーメントディストリクトにあるご自宅/スタジオで開催され、中里先生を慕うたくさんの方々と共に参加して来ました。NY・東京よりご家族の皆様はじめ、ペンシルバニア大学同僚・教え子のみなさん、作家、ギャラリー関係者、各界の著名な方々も参列され、キャンバス・プリント作品が展示された会場に250名を越える人々が集いました。

John. D Woosley氏のウェルカムアナウンスメントに続き、中里先生の生涯/仕事を綴ったスライドショウが流れると、スタジオは先生への敬意と親しみと、そして悲しみで一杯になりました。ご友人/作家のMichael Burke氏、元同僚のMatt Freedman氏、画廊ディレクタのDaniel Dalseth氏、そして多摩美NYクラブメンバーによるスピーチが続き、最後にご家族、すみ子さん、長女Amyさん、長男仁さんのご挨拶がありました。悲しみの溢れる各々のエピソードにはしかし、先生のお人柄を偲ばせる軽やかであたたかなユーモアも含まれ、涙と笑顔の入り交じる会場となりました。




Hitoshi Nakazato Cerebrating of His Art and Life: 2


Hello. My name is Miki Nagano and I’m the current president of the Alumni Association
of Tama Art University, New York Club. We have 40 members in the New York area, and 20 members outside of New York, including Japan.

As a tribute to Nakazato-san, several members of the Tama Art University New York Club will take turns reading this speech in his honor. Our New York Club was established in 2003 after Nakazato-san was asked by the University’s Alumni Association to establish a branch in New York.

It was an ironic request for an artist who graduated in 1960, taught there from 1968 – 1971, and then fired for siding with the student during the student uprising.

But after all, he is one of the successful graduates of the University, and an established Japanese contemporary artist. The list of his works in public collections is proof of that.

We discussed what to call the Tama Art University Alumni Association here in New York, and chose to call it the New York Club, not a Branch because we came all this way to New York to pursue our careers.

We celebrated the establishment of our club here in Nakazato-san’s studio, had our annual general meetings here, as well as many of our monthly meetings.

He welcomed us here on so many occasions.

We expected him to be here to support us always, to listen to our concerns, and to encourage us, giving critiques, helping us organize seminars, going on gallery runs, and making dinner for us.

He prepared gravlox, prepared sashimi, blue fish, pork roast with dried fruit and rosemary, brown rice with red beans, and large salads.

Nakazato-san nourished us in so many ways.

He was always passionate and positive in his outlook, accessible and friendly (although a bit scary at first) pushing us to think beyond our confines, The Line Outside as he called it which was just a pun when he decided to develop it into a concept for a series of works.

He encouraged us in our annual HAFH show (an acronym he made up – Home
Away From Home) now in its 6th year.

The upcoming HAFH show will be held at NY Coo Gallery from January 4th to January 22nd, 2011. The opening will be on Thursday, January 6th. The address is : 1133 Broadway, Suite 335, New York. Please stop by to see our show. Nakazato-san’s masterpiece will be showing in this exhibition.

Nakazato-san encouraged the Tamabi New York Club to reach out to graduates of other Japanese art university graduates in New York. He felt the need for us to have a voice and to communicate using words, emphasizing the importance of that together with visual communication.

The Alumni Association of Tama Art University, New York Club is working to create just that, and we thank Nakazato-san for this vision.

We are so sad, he should be here with us today.
-Tamabi NY Club-

"Works on Paper" by Miki Nagano

ダウンタウンにあるOVED & OVED 法律事務所の空間で個展を開催中。
平日9時から5時まで。住所は101 Avenue of the Americas, New York, 15th floor, 2011年1月13日迄開催。




芸術の秋ですね.皆さん,どうお過ごしですか?わたしは10/16から詩人の方(Vasiliki Katsarou)とNJでコラボ展をやります。NYにいらっしゃる皆さんにはNJは遠いかもしれないけど、ここで紹介させて下さいね。
Art and Poetry: Fragments of the Muse
Paintings by Minako Ota Poetry by Vasiliki Katsarou
Swan Creek Gallery (www.swancreekgallery.com)